Below you will find an overview of Educational Programs that have already taken place. If you participated in any of these, make sure you are logged in, in order to find the documents and photos related to the Educational Program you attended.

Event dates
Event name
20 Jan 2021 - 21 Jan 2021
TALLER VIRTUAL | Tratamiento del cáncer próstata en tiempo real con alta tasa de dosis (HDR) | Español
12 Dec 2020
WEBINAR | GYN brachytherapy masterclass: transition from intracavitary to advanced interstitial
12 Dec 2020
WEBINAR | Improved clinical outcomes for prostate cancer patients with brachy boost
10 Dec 2020
WEBINAR: IGABT in intracavitary and interstitial cervical cancer
10 Dec 2020
WEBINAR | Image Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy (IGABT) in intracavitary and interstitial cervical cancer
03 Dec 2020
WEBINAR | Braquiterapia de Cérvix: La Transición de 2D a Braqui guiada por Imágenes | Primeras experiencias con aplicador Geneva
01 Dec 2020
WEBINAR | MRI-based brachytherapy for locally advanced gynaecological cancers: Beyond Treatment Planning
17 Oct 2020
Webinar | Gynecological brachytherapy during the Covid-19 pandemic
08 Oct 2020
Webinar | Liver Brachytherapy: new strategies
08 Oct 2020
Braquiterapia de Hígado: nuevas estrategias | Dr. Stefanie Corradini